I've been a huge fan of comic books for many years now. So I want to share some of the comics I'm currently reading as well as some of my all time favorites.
With the highly acclaimed success of graphic novels like The Watchmen and Persepolis the graphic novel is quickly moving toward becoming an academically accepted literary form, which is exciting.
Cross Bronx: One of the best crime novels in recent memory.
The Surrogates: One of my favorite science fiction novels. The art is great and each chapter builds to a really nice ending.
Joker: This novel comes out Nov 4th and it looks like it is going to be worthy of setting next to The Killing Joke.
Doktor Sleepless: Is one of the best ongoing series out today. "Future science Jesus" about sums it up. Demo: Intertwining short stories done so well it might make you cry.
Crossed: A fucked up ongoing series.