
We Have Failed

I'm excited about this,

J.A. Tyler has a new book out. It's called, A Man of Glass & All the Ways We Have Failed (Fugue State Press). Fugue State Press has consistently inspired and impressed me over the years.

J.A. is so sure that you'll love his sophomore novel that he'll write you another book if you don't enjoy it.

In his own words, "If you don't like my book I'll write you another book on the inside of that book. Order it, read it. If you don't like it, ship it back to me and I'll write a new book for you on the inside of that book. Yes. This is how much I believe in these words."

You can order A Man of Glass & All the Ways We Have Failed by following the link below:


During one of those days seven children were born at the same time and then the rain stopped.


I Will Write You or Someone You Know a Letter or a Story

For a donation of $3.50 (using the Paypal button below). I will hand write, and mail you a 100 word story or letter, addressed to you, your girlfriend, boyfriend, grandmother, or a particular body part.

When using Paypal leave me a short note and let me know if you want it addressed to a particular person or body part (otherwise you'll leave the subject up to me).

Donations go toward paying my rent of $925 a month. Currently at $47.50 of $925.