
Real time

The listing for the upcoming anthology I am in is here. At the link there are excerpts from a few of the 18 stories in the anthology (my story does not have an excerpt). The anthology is expected to be available December 15th.

With nothing happening because I'm stranded due to the lack of available gas where I live, this is what I've been doing:

Wuthering Heights: just finished it for the second time a few days ago. It is a good read and has a lot of depth to it.
The House of Mirth: about 3/4 through this one and I like it. Social commentary galore

The Wire: renting the seasons, currently on season 4.

W.H. Auden: Reading his selected poetry. Auden likes spies. I like Auden.


. said...

are the units rising

Ben Spivey said...

Yes they are rising, and rising still.

mercy said...

um, why don't we have a couples blog? i feel like you are not really committed to me or something.