
1) Shane Jones mentioned Museum of Fucked by David Peak (Warm Milk Press's first book) in his recent blog post, as a book he's looking forward to. Shane read an earlier version of David's manuscript and was kind enough to provide a blurb for it, thanks Shane

We're very excited about printing David's story up and getting it into people's hands.

Submissions for the online journal, Spilt Milk, are open (I know I sound like a broken record) warmmilkpress@yahoo.com

The Warm Milk Printing Press website will probably launch late November early December.

2) J.A. Tyler did an interview with The Faster Times. It's a great interview. Tyler mentioned Warm Milk Press and David's book, thanks J.A.

3) I'm very excited about Super Arrow. I've been excited about Super Arrow for months now. I first read about them on Shane Jones blog sometime back in July. Amanda Goldblatt is the founder/ editor (here's a story she wrote).

Super Arrow's submission guidelines allow up to 12,000 words, so I sent Amanda about 12,000 words from Flowing in the Gossamer Fold. I thought: What the hell, why now? I've been checking duotrope almost everyday in anticipation of when I could maybe expect a response (I don't always do this I swear, but duotrope is crack).

So, the other day I received the response, my heart raced a little. Among other things Amanda said that she loved the work and that my "writing is strange and intuitive and lush," this made me smile, thanks Amanda.

Since the piece I sent her was very close to 12,000 words, and was an excerpt, she asked me if I could further excerpt the submission into 2 or 3 smaller excerpts. Which I understood and thought was a good idea.

I sent back about 3,000 words of what is my favorite excerpt from Flowing in the Gossamer Fold. It's the most complete excerpt too. What I mean is, I'm finished with the novella, and this excerpt is part of that. (I have not heard back about this re-excerpted excerpt yet, but I hope it works out fine)

I don't think I'm going to be submitting anymore of it as parts.

4) I'm sick.


Eric Beeny said...

Big good luck with Super Arrow. I hope you feel better soon...

Ben Spivey said...

Thanks for the good will Eric. I've been in the bed for 2 days, yuck. I think Super Arrow will work out. I like the new layout of your blog.

Eric Beeny said...

Thanks, I think I like it, too. It felt cluttered. That's awesome about Super Arrow. It seems like it's going to be sick...