
Writers' Bloc is Gone

Vaughan Simons managed and edited Writers' Bloc for the past year and a half and now it's gone, no new updates. There are a lot of wonderful articles archived. You can read them while they last, here.

In Simon's last post on Writer's Bloc he opened up with "After eight­een months online and some seventy-four art­icles, stor­ies, inter­views, flash fic­tions, poems and mis­cel­laneous other forms, I’ve decided to close Writers’ Bloc. I feel that it’s run its course and, to be bru­tally hon­est, I no longer pos­sess the enthu­si­asm required to keep it run­ning, read­ing sub­mis­sions and put­ting up new material."

Near the end of the post he said, "The domain name and host­ing for Writers’ Bloc both expire in Decem­ber. Whether or not I pay to keep the site online after that remains to be seen."

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